Category: Guide

crypto market

Ways to Prevent Cryptojacking

Prevent Cryptojacking: If you haven’t been living under a rock, you might already know the rise in the digital age. There was a time when not many people believed that we could make transactions or shop online right from the comfort of our homes. However, with advanced digital technology, it is possible now. You have got the world at your fingertips. The rise of the digital age gave us another gift, namely, cryptocurrency. The beginning of the decentralized financial sector puts the control in the hands of people. Cryptocurrency has gradually gained popularity and it was one of the most talked about and searched topics in 2021. And the gradual interest is on the rise even in 2022. One of the crucial aspects of cryptocurrency is mining the coins. Mining crypto coins allows you to earn profits. However, this requires massive computing power. And that’s where we face the very first challenge in cryptocurrency, viz. Cryptojacking. What is Cryptojacking? In simpler terms, cryptojacking means hacking someone else’s computing power to mine crypto coins. This is one of the major cybercrimes and can be done by hackers using several ways. One of the most common ways is using ransomware. This software can steal the computing power or crypto coins from the digital wallet of the victims. And chances are that the victims won’t even know their computer systems have been cryptojacked. The ransomware will run in the background and will be hard to detect. The usual side effects of cryptojacking are slower CPU speeds leading to slower processing times, overheating of computer systems, higher usage of electricity thus increasing the bills. Most cryptohackers try to cryptojack computer systems from businesses as they get access to larger computing powers. Although cryptojacking is dangerous, you can implement certain methods to prevent it from happening to your organization. Ways to prevent cryptojacking Employee Education You need to ensure that your employees know about cryptojacking and the potential danger it can pose. Also, they must know the tell-tale signs of cryptojacking. Your employees must have good coordination with the IT team in your business organization. Also, they must be told not to click on any suspicious links that might execute cryptojacking codes. They must also be made aware to follow these guidelines on their personal email and devices too. IT Team Training Your IT team must be trained to determine whether the systems are cryptojacked or not. They must know the ways to prevent cryptojacking in the first place. They must know the signs of attack and ways to investigate deeper. Moreover, they must have better coordination with the employees to be notified of slow computing systems. Use Ad-Blockers One of the most common ways for crypto code execution is by playing an ad. Hence, you must use an ad blocker to ensure that the ad isn’t played, and the malicious crypto code is detected. This will avoid the execution of the code thus preventing cryptojacking. Use Browser Extensions Anti-cryptomining extensions are a great way to prevent cryptojacking. These are browser extensions that will block cryptominers from using your computing power. Some of the anti-cryptomining extensions are No Coin, minerBlock, Anti Miner, and more. Final Takeaway Cryptojacking is the harsh reality of the thriving cryptocurrency world. And it can affect anybody! Hence, the best way to educate yourself and implement methods to prevent cryptojacking. For more insights on the crypto market, technology, crypto coins, keep reading Coin Informer!

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liquidity in crypto market
crypto market

Importance of Liquidity for Crypto Market

Liquidity is crucial for a market whether it is your conventional stock market or thriving cryptocurrency market. As a beginner crypto trader, you might have come across liquidity. You might have also considered liquidity provider as a crucial factor while choosing your trading company. But have you ever thought about why liquidity is crucial for the crypto market? And what does liquidity mean in the first place? As a beginner trader, you need to know this crucial term and its importance. This will ensure that you make the right trading choice. So, let’s get started. What is liquidity? In simple terms, liquidity is the ability to convert coins into cash for easy withdrawal. This conversion of coins into cash mustn’t affect the value of cryptocurrencies. Thus, making liquidity a crucial concept for cryptocurrency exchange. Why is liquidity important for crypto exchange? Stability of the Market As you might know that crypto market is highly volatile. However, liquidity brings stability to the market and reduces volatility. High liquidity ensures that the price of coins stays stable even if whales try to manipulate the price with a large swing or with little to no market activity. Liquidity ensures that even if several people are making large trading orders. The price of coins stays relatively stable. Accurate Technical Analysis As a crypto trader, you might want to analyze the crypto market to determine the future price trend for crypto coins. An illiquid market makes it difficult to assess the price trends over time and makes it difficult to predict future prices. However, a liquid market provides more precise and developed information about charting and prices. This way traders can predict future prices and make informed trading decisions. Lesser Transaction Time The Crypto market is ever-changing. And as a trader, you must be able to make quick decisions. A liquid market offers you this opportunity. When a market is liquid, an order transaction takes lesser time to process and complete. This ensures that more traders can buy or sell their coins quickly without much hassle. Moreover, a trader can quickly exit or enter a liquid market ensuring that they stay on top of the market changes. Get Competitive Prices When the market is liquid, a trader who wants to sell their coins can do so at competitive prices. Moreover, a buyer can offer higher bids to buy a coin. This brings an overall balance ensuring better prices for coins in the market for both buyers and sellers alike. Bottom Line Liquidity is important for any market to survive and thrive. And this includes your ever-changing and volatile crypto market. Liquidity benefits both buyers and sellers, irrespective of their trading capital. Creating fair and better prices are crucial to ensure that maximum trading takes place every day. Hence, liquidity is important. And you must always work with a trading company that can offer you a liquidity provider. If you have done this, you are good to start your trading in the crypto market. To know more about the crypto world, terminologies, insights, keep reading Coin Informer!

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ICO for Investment
Best Coin To Invest In Crypto

How to Select the Right ICO for Investment?

Do you want to invest in cryptocurrency? Well, you are not the only one who wants to get their hands on massive profits. Most people who invest in cryptocurrency are looking to gain profits. However, on one hand, investing in popular coins like Bitcoin will increase their chances of profits, they also increase the chances of losses. Thanks to the volatility and price fluctuations in the crypto market. But most people are always looking for the next big thing in the crypto market to invest in. And that’s where an ICO comes into the picture. ICO, Initial Coin Offering is defined as the introduction of a new coin in the market. ICO gives you a good opportunity to invest in a new coin assuming that the coin will become popular and give you returns. However, before you invest in the very first ICO that you come across, it would be wise to do your research. In this blog, let’s look at the ways that can help you select the next best ICO and avoid falling for a scam. Finding the ICOs Of course! Without knowing the upcoming ICOs, it can become difficult for you to invest. Hence, start by finding an ICO. You can follow platforms like ICOalert where you will find all the information related to upcoming ICOs. These platforms offer coin developers to put out all the information related to their new coins and how it differs from other coins in the market. ICO Evaluation Once you have identified the ICOs you want to invest in, start its evaluation. This will include various steps and questions you need to ask yourself to make sure you are taking the right decision. Remember, ICOs are the easiest way to scam investors and abscond with the money. Hence, evaluation is of the utmost importance. Here’s how you can evaluate an ICO. Uniqueness: Blockchain is a diverse technology. And there are several ways people can use this tech to develop a new coin. Hence, look for unique features on the new coin. If a coin is using the same old decentralized currency concept of blockchain, you would be better off investing in Bitcoin. Hence, find out if the new coin is coming up with ways to solve something ambitious. Currency Distribution: Each new crypto coin will have a smart contract. Read the smart contract to find out details of currency distribution such as whom, when, where, how much of the crypto coin will be distributed. What will happen to the unsold crypto coins? Exchange Plans: It is certainly a green flag for an ICO if major crypto exchanges are offering the new crypto coin. Hence, when choosing an ICO, check if it is offered on crypto exchanges like Coin base, Kraken, or Bittrex. Type of Blockchain: Usually, a new ICO must be developed and launched from an existing blockchain. For example, Ethereum blockchain. An ICO that is developed and launched using the Ethereum blockchain will accept the payment using Ether. Hence, you need to have the said crypto coin to buy the ICO. Whitepaper: The most important document an ICO can offer. You must always read the whitepaper document that outlines everything about the crypto coin. The document must be comprehensive. Final Takeaway ICOs are a great way to find a new crypto coin for investment. However, since several ICOs are usually a scam, you need to be highly careful before choosing one. Apart from finding an ICO, you also need to evaluate it thoroughly. Find out more about the crypto market, guides, and fundamentals on Coin Informer!

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Initial coin offering
crypto coin

Initial Coin Offering (ICO): Quick Comprehensive Guide

When you start reading, learning, and investing in the cryptocurrency market, you always come across the term “Initial Coin Offering” (ICO). And you wonder what does that mean? Should you invest in an ICO? Is it risky to invest in an ICO? Will you ever earn profits by investing in an ICO? Well, the questions are innumerable. And the lack of an answer may confuse you. So, our experts sat down and created this quick guide about ICO and answered the most frequently asked questions for you. Let’s see what they had to say. ICO: What is it? ICO is a method to introduce a new crypto coin to the market in the hope to raise funds for developing the said crypto coin. For example, you have developed a new crypto coin that you want to introduce in the market. The only thing you need is money. And you can get that by connecting to a venture capitalist. However, you might have to give a certain part of the company’s ownership to the said venture capitalist. Now, what if we told you that you can raise money for your new crypto coin without giving away the ownership of your company? That’s where ICO comes to your rescue. All you need to do is create a white paper detailing how your crypto coin will work. You create a fantastic website and ask people to invest in your crypto coin. They can either send you Bitcoin or Ether or send you fiat currency. In return, you give them a few of your crypto coins. You use this money to build the crypto coin and successfully introduce it to the market. The people who send you money will now have to sit back and hope that your crypto coin gains momentum for them to earn profits. ICO: Who can introduce it? Basically, anybody! As long as you have the tech knowledge to develop a coin, a fancy website, and market your coin, you can introduce the coin as ICO. Also, the crypto market is highly unregulated, hence it makes it easier for anyone to bring an ICO. However, this also gives rise to the possibility of a scam. ICO is the easiest way to create a scam crypto coin and abscond the money. Hence, when you get to know about an ICO, make sure you do your due diligence before investing in it. ICO: How to start your own? As said above, anybody can start their ICO. However, one thing you must ensure is that either you or someone on your team is an expert in blockchain and cryptocurrency. Someone on your team must be able to answer all the questions related to the tech part of the coin. Next, you need to create white paper. This document must provide all the information to the minute details. This document must be informative, creative, engaging, and convincing for the investors. You might want to check out the white paper of Ethereum which is one of the most successful ICOs. Bottom Line ICO allows you to introduce a new crypto coin. The risk in investing in ICO is high because it is the easiest way people can scam others for money. So, if you want to introduce or invest in an ICO, you must do your due diligence. To stay informed on the cryptocurrency market, keep reading Coin Informer!

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panic selling cryptocurrency

Three Tips to Avoid Panic Selling Your Cryptocurrency

Panic Selling Your Cryptocurrency: The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. And with the pandemic and any political tension increase the volatility of the market. Investors observe massive fluctuations in the price of different cryptocurrencies. The outcome? Panic selling the crypto coins! Yes, that’s right! Due to higher fluctuations and volatility, people start getting scared of losing money and start panic selling their assets. However, in the long term, panic selling doesn’t help! In fact, several investors have regretted their decision to panic sell their crypto assets. So, no matter the massive fluctuations, you must avoid panic selling your crypto assets. How can you achieve this? Here are three top tips that you can follow to ensure that you don’t fall for panic selling. Invest Your Disposable Income Many investors make the mistake of investing money that they can’t afford to lose. This makes them emotionally attached to this money as the loss will affect their daily finances. This is one of the reasons why people panic sell their crypto assets. To avoid this situation, you must invest your disposable income. So, even if you lose the money, your daily finances won’t be affected. And if the fluctuations settle down and the market becomes stable, well, you will earn profits. Have a Long-Term Vision Cryptocurrency investment won’t give you massive profits in just a short time. You need to be patient and have a long-term vision for your investment. If you have observed the pricing trends of bitcoin, you will find that the coin price started from less than a cent to reach a maximum of $69,000. People who invested in bitcoin in the initial years and didn’t panic sell in between were able to make millions of dollars worth of crypto wealth. It was possible because they were consistent and kept a long-term investment vision. Choose a Better Cryptocurrency If you have followed the crypto market, you know that several cryptocurrencies come and go. The ones with high market cap, marketing, devoted founders, and robust development teams survive. Without these factors, the cryptocurrency coins have crumpled to a state where it was difficult to bring them back. Hence, to avoid panic selling, make sure to invest in better cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether, and Cardano. These crypto coins have a stable foundation in the market with numerous supporters. This will ensure that even if there are price fluctuations, your investment will be safe thus avoiding panic selling. Bottom Line The Crypto market will always stay volatile and will experience price fluctuations. However, with patience, consistency, and knowledge, you can avoid panic selling your assets. This will help you make profits in the long run. Keep learning about the crypto market here at Coin Informer!

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Popular NFTs
crypto nfts

CryptoPunks: A Quick Overview of the Most Popular NFTs

NFTs have gained rapid momentum and recognition in 2021. And it’s no wonder when experts say that NFTs will be all the rage in 2022 and the future. Although NFTs have been around for the past few years, they came into the limelight recently. And one of the NFT projects that caught the attention of investors is CryptoPunks. But what is CryptoPunks? Who created them? And where can you buy them? In this blog, we will answer all these questions in a quick, brief, and comprehensible way. So, let’s get started! CryptoPunks: What Are They? You can call CryptoPunks the pioneer of the crypto art world. These tiny 8- bit style pixelated punks are collectible pieces of crypto art. There are 10,000 punks with unique features and characteristics. These punks are represented on the Ethereum blockchain. CryptoPunks is one of the first NFT projects and is now the most popular NFT in the market. Some of the punks are worth millions of dollars. So, if you have a crypto punk, you can sell it for millions and probably make a living out of it. CryptoPunks: Who Created Them? Larva Labs, a New York based company created CryptoPunks. The company started working on this project in 2017. The main reason behind creating CryptoPunks was to experiment with the very nascent NFT market at the time. However, the project was able to give rise to crypto art as we know it today. NFTs are a type of cryptocurrency making CryptoPunks cryptocurrency too. But they are different from your regular crypto coins. Amongst the 10,000 CryptoPunks, we have a mix of male and female punks along with aliens, apes, and zombies. Each punk is highly unique with different attributes. Initially, when the company started offering CryptoPunks, they did it for free. All you need to do was pay the transaction fees for the Ethereum blockchain. However, over the years the popularity has increased and now each punk is worth thousands. Hence, if you already own a punk, you can now sell it for millions and make all your dreams come true. Currently, CryptoPunk #3100 and #7804 are the two most popular and highest selling crypto punks with $7.58 million and $7.57 million respectively. CryptoPunks are just after the most expensive NFT, Beeple’s EVERYDAYS: THE FIRST 5000 DAYS. CryptoPunks: Where Can I Buy? You can buy CryptoPunks on the exclusive platform created by Larva Labs. They have a special marketplace on the CryptoPunks website. You buy, bid, or sell punks on this marketplace. OpenSea, a leading Ethereum NFT marketplace, also offers CryptoPunks. However, they are a little different. These punks have been wrapped in ERC-721 tokens. This makes it easy to sell on the NFT marketplace. You can easily wrap and unwrap a CryptoPunk using Wrapped PUNKS. Final Takeaway Although CryptoPunks now have a tough competition with other types of NFTs, they are the pioneers of the NFT world and crypto art as we know them today. They are still highly popular, expensive, and hold the potential to turn the NFT marketplace. So, if you get your hands on one such punk, make sure to buy it. For more cryptocurrency insights, keep reading Coin Informer!

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diversify Crypto portfolio
crypto diversification strategy

Six Tips to Diversify Your Cryptocurrency Investment Portfolio

Have you decided to invest in cryptocurrency? If so, you might be looking to buy your first bitcoin or ether or any other crypto coin. Now, investing in cryptocurrency is certainly exciting because the market has shown higher returns and profits. However, the cryptocurrency market is also prone to massive price fluctuations and volatility. If you don’t plan your investments carefully, you might experience a major loss. And you certainly don’t want that! So, what is the best way to ensure that you invest carefully, make profits, and can bear any losses? The Answer Is Simple. Portfolio Diversification! Just like any investment portfolio, you will have a cryptocurrency portfolio that will tell what crypto coins you have, how much you have invested, where you have invested, and any other such investment details. Now, to avoid any losses, you might think of investing in just one type of cryptocurrency. However, this increases your risk of losses because you have invested all your funds in just one cryptocurrency. Any decrease in the price of that cryptocurrency means you bear a huge loss in just a moment. But if you have a diversified portfolio, you will have your money invested in multiple cryptocurrencies. So, even if there is a huge price drop in one crypto coin, you will have other crypto coins to save you from major losses. The more you distribute your money in different cryptocurrencies, the more stable investment you will have. Now, How Do You Diversify Your Crypto Investment Portfolio? Here Are a Few Quick Tips. High-risk investment definitely promises you major gains, but they also result in major losses. Hence, you must diversify your portfolio to include low, medium, and high-risk investments equally. This will balance your investment portfolio and give you more stability. Liquidity is crucial for your investment portfolio. So, in the cryptocurrency market, you can invest in some stablecoins to get liquidity. Several decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms use stablecoins, hence they are crucial to ensure quick exit or gain. The Crypto market keeps evolving rapidly. And so should your investment portfolio. Based on the current situation in the crypto market, you must relocate your investment portfolio. Avoid greed! Yes, make sure to always keep this advice in your mind and implement it when you feel the need. There will be times when you will make major gains from one cryptocurrency that will tempt you to pump in more money in the same coin. But don’t fall for greed, instead, make an informed decision. Always conduct your own research. This is a classic piece of advice that will always help you make better investment decisions. This is your money, so you must be the one who makes the decision. Don’t just consider the advice of others. Always invest your disposable income. So, even if you experience a loss, it won’t affect your day-to-day finances. Final Takeaway Cryptocurrency investment is certainly exciting due to its massive potential. But just like any other investment you need to be careful. Diversify your investment portfolio to ensure that you don’t face massive losses. Follow the tips to ensure that you have a balanced portfolio for better investments. To read more, keep following Coin Informer!

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NFT non fungible token
crypto nfts

Top Five Questions Answered Regarding Developing Your Own NFTs

Have you been highly active in the crypto market? If so, you might have heard about NFTs. Even if you aren’t active in the crypto market, you might have come across this term on social media. There is so much hype around NFTs. Creatives such as celebrities, artists, and others are aiming to release their NFTs and make a lot of money. Trust us when we say that NFTs can get you a good price if there is a high demand for your NFT. For example, Beeple, one of the popular visual artists, sold their NFT for $69 million. There are several other digital artists who are developing NFTs and selling them to earn a huge sum of money. Do you also want to develop your NFT? If so, you might have a lot of questions. In this blog post, we will try to answer a few of those questions to help you develop your own NFT. So, let’s get started. What Do You Need To Create An NFT? Crypto wallet to store crypto Artwork, song, or collectible Crypto minting fee Pick a blockchain What Can Be Considered For An NFT? Several people who want to create an NFT are confused about what can be considered to create an NFT. Is it only digital artwork? Does it also include real-world artwork? Well, currently, digital artworks are a major choice for NFT such as songs, collectibles, videos, gifs, and more. However, there have been instances where physical artwork has been used to create and mint an NFT. For example, the art gallery Christie’s sold a physical artwork inspired NFT. Hence, NFTs can be created for both digital artworks along with the physical artwork too. Which Digital Wallets Should You Use for NFT? The answer is simple. It depends on the blockchain you are using. Now, Ethereum is one of the most popular blockchains used to create NFT. So, you must choose a digital wallet that supports the Ethereum blockchain. Although most digital wallets will support Ethereum blockchain, you must check it out before developing your NFT. Currently, Trust Wallet and MetaMask are two popular digital wallets that support a wide variety of blockchains. Which Blockchain Should Be Used to Create NFT? Nowadays, there are different blockchains to choose from to create NFT. However, Ethereum still remains to be the most popular blockchain to develop NFT. It was also the first blockchain that introduced us to NFT as we know it today. But the minting and handling fees of NFT on Ethereum makes it an expensive choice. If you want a cheaper yet robust alternative, you can choose Binance Smart Chain, Tron, Polkadot, or Tezos. They also offer faster transaction speed making them a good choice for developing NFT. What Platform Should Be Used To Mint NFTs? This will depend on the blockchain you use. If you have gone to cheaper alternatives such as Binance Smart Chain, you can use platforms like Treasureland or BakerySwap to mint your NFTs. However, if you have chosen Ethereum blockchain, you can choose from Rarible or OpenSea platforms. You need to remember that the most important thing is to choose a platform that has a familiar marketplace making it easier to mint NFTs. Final Takeaway NFTs are becoming highly popular and are a great source of income if you have the talent to create exquisite artwork. And knowing the minute things about developing and minting your NFT can be highly beneficial to make the most of this opportunity. For more information on NFTs, crypto market, and insights, keep reading Coin Informer!

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trade responsibly in crypto market
crypto market

Top Tips to Trade Responsibly in Crypto Market

Cryptocurrency trading is risky due to high volatility and fluctuations. Hence, investors and traders must trade responsibly. Especially if you are a beginner, where you are learning the ropes of the cryptocurrency market, trading responsibly is crucial. You can use different trading strategies, however, implementing them with caution is important. At Coin Informer, we want beginner and advanced investors to trade responsibly. Hence, our expert team has provided a few top tips to trade in the cryptocurrency market responsibly so that you can make a profit. Robust Security For Trading Wallet and Account For trading in the cryptocurrency market, you will use a trading account and crypto wallet. You might also use an external crypto wallet. Securing these assets is crucial for responsible trading. You might lose out on money if your passwords, private key, account information are compromised. Hence, make sure to use robust security methods for the same. You can use two-factor verification, withdrawal address whitelisting, strong passwords, avoiding sharing your private key, and more such methods. Securing this information is just like you securing your bank details. Build a Trading Plan Sometimes our emotions can get the best out of us! And the same is true for crypto trading. Sudden gain, losses, or fluctuations can bring emotions of fear, uncertainty, and doubts. In this case, having a trading plan and sticking to it is beneficial. You need to determine your trading objectives such as How much leverage trading do you want to do? What will be your entry or exit prices? Which crypto coins do you want to invest in? How much do you want to diversify your portfolio? And more. Portfolio Diversification One of the best ways for responsible trading in the crypto market is diversifying your portfolio. If you hold only one or two assets, the risk of loss is higher. Hence, you must invest in different assets. For example, you can start with allocating assets. You can allocate assets in investment such as stablecoins, Defi liquidity pools, altcoins, and more. This diversification will help you reduce exposure to one single asset class and subsequent losses. Using different diversification methods, you can trade responsibly. Don’t fall for FOMO When you are trading in crypto, you will find a lot of chatter on different social media channels, rumors, gossip, and more. This might generate the feeling of FOMO (Fear of missing out) prompting you to make bad trading decisions. Hence, you mustn’t fall for FOMO! Instead, when you feel that you are falling to FOMO, start doing your research regarding the possible rumor or gossip. If you find it to be true, you can determine whether you should make that trading decision or not. Final Takeaway Surely, you can find some other ways to ensure that you trade responsibly, these are some of our top tips. Following these tips is certainly a start for responsible trading. Keep reading Coin Informer for more insights into trading efficiently in the crypto market.

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crypto market sentiments
crypto market

Crypto Market Sentiments: A Brief Overview!

If you are aware of the crypto market, you might know that it is highly volatile and is prone to massive fluctuations. And these fluctuations are caused by several factors which include the press, public opinion, and social media. This can also be termed as a collective attitude of investors and traders towards the crypto market. An analysis of this collective attitude is known as market sentiment. Let’s take a look at crypto market sentiment, its importance, and how to conduct a market sentiment. Crypto Market Sentiment: What is it? As mentioned above, a collective sentiment of investors and traders towards a market asset is considered as market sentiment. And just like the stock market, the concept of market sentiment also exists in the crypto market. Market sentiment is known to drive the market either in the positive direction or negative. A small tweet from a renowned personality such as Elon Musk can turn the overall market sentiment in favor or against it. For example, Dogecoin was really hyped during the bull period, and it was because of social media. Several people were talking about Dogecoin and how it will be the best crypto coin in the future. Remember the tweet from Elon Musk saying that Dogecoin is people’s crypto? This tweet alone boosted the market sentiment in favor of Dogecoin. Crypto Market Sentiment: Why is it important? Market sentiment analysis is important to make an informed decision. Sentiment analysis is as important as fundamental or technical analysis of the market. This helps you make an informed decision and helps you invest better. Here’s how crypto market sentiment analysis can help: Identify profitable trends in the market Determine the short term and mid-term price action for different coins Differentiate between actual FOMO trends and herd mentality Take control of your emotional state during trading Crypto Market Sentiment Analysis: How to perform? To perform market sentiment analysis, you need to gather a lot of information using sophisticated tools. However, if you don’t know how to operate these sophisticated tools, don’t worry, you can always look at social trends. This is what you can do: Social mentions tracking using data collection tools. You will find several data collection tools online. You can read blogs, news, and media articles on top websites such as CoinDesk, Binance Academy, and on our website at Coin Informer. Crypto investors also track major transactions made by crypto whales. These transactions have been observed to make a major impact on market sentiment. Twitter and Telegram offer a few free whale bots to track these whales. Use Google Trends to track the hype around the market. For example, if you find that a large volume of searches is made on how to buy crypto, you know the overall sentiment is positive. Bottom Line Crypto market sentiments are crucial to determine the price trends and profitable opportunities. Hence, if you want to make a lucrative investment in the crypto market, you must keep a tab on market sentiments. To keep reading more about the crypto market, follow us on Coin Informer!

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